Category: Running

To Run or Not to Run … Stupid Question
Here's what is cool about the group of people I surround myself with. Even after my dumb mistake at Leadville that sent me to the Emergency Room (lovely medical staff at St. Vincent Hospital by…

World Through My 4 Year Old
[caption id="attachment_3191" align="alignleft" width="225"] It's her world, I'm just living in it.[/caption]Lately my 4 year old and I have been on the same wavelength. She has been experiencing a great deal of change and new…

Ultra Mental Fortitude
Over the past week, people with medical backgrounds have pointed out how severe my ER visit was. Then I recalled what Doc M at the aid station said: I don't have a dialysis machine here.…

Will I Run the Leadville 100 Again?
2013 Leadville 100 Mile Run follow-up I still go back and forth on the question. Going into race day, I physically felt 3 times more ready than last year. This year, I was just stupid…

2013 Leadville 100 Mile Trail Run
38 miles – 9 hours – 5,500ft elevation gain – DNF Hindsight is 20/20. Whether it be talking about the weekend’s football game, choices made when choosing a career path, or eating sushi from the…

Thoughts on Upcoming Leadville 100
I knew the question was coming. Do you think you're ready this year for the Leadville 100? Last year toeing the line was a long shot. Basic math would tell you it wasn't looking good.…

Hope Pass Training
Funny how easy climbing 3,000 feet of elevation over 4.5 miles seems when I haven't run 42 miles before it. The goal was to hike up to the top of Hope and run down. Zero…