2013 Colorado Flood

A Sign to Not Run


I was just talking about how asking me if I should run is a stupid question. Pushing through failure and slumps to keep moving forward. I have just been feeling "down" and not sure if…

Leadville Mayqueen

To Run or Not to Run … Stupid Question


Here's what is cool about the group of people I surround myself with. Even after my dumb mistake at Leadville that sent me to the Emergency Room (lovely medical staff at St. Vincent Hospital by…


World Through My 4 Year Old


[caption id="attachment_3191" align="alignleft" width="225"] It's her world, I'm just living in it.[/caption]Lately my 4 year old and I have been on the same wavelength. She has been experiencing a great deal of change and new…

Running in the mental shadow

Ultra Mental Fortitude


Over the past week, people with medical backgrounds have pointed out how severe my ER visit was. Then I recalled what Doc M at the aid station said: I don't have a dialysis machine here.…

Leadville Mayqueen Aid Station

Will I Run the Leadville 100 Again?


2013 Leadville 100 Mile Run follow-up I still go back and forth on the question. Going into race day, I physically felt 3 times more ready than last year. This year, I was just stupid…

Leadville 100 Outward Bound

2013 Leadville 100 Mile Trail Run


38 miles – 9 hours – 5,500ft elevation gain – DNF Hindsight is 20/20. Whether it be talking about the weekend’s football game, choices made when choosing a career path, or eating sushi from the…

Top of Hope Leadville

Thoughts on Upcoming Leadville 100


I knew the question was coming. Do you think you're ready this year for the Leadville 100? Last year toeing the line was a long shot. Basic math would tell you it wasn't looking good.…