Slow Steady Go
01:39:00 - 9.14 miles I need to slow down. Funny to say that when people consider me a runner, but I consider myself a forward motion person. Running fast has never been something I've excelled…
01:39:00 - 9.14 miles I need to slow down. Funny to say that when people consider me a runner, but I consider myself a forward motion person. Running fast has never been something I've excelled…
46 minutes - 4.5 miles Went into this morning's run with the idea of mile repeats. The goal is to add some speed to my long distance endeavors. Now, I haven't done a whole lot…
After an ultramarathon, 7 marathons, and 5 half marathons over the past 3 years, I've been trying to figure out what to do next. When I first started running, it was about proving something to…
2:04 - 11 miles It has been an interesting week and a half since completing my first ultramarathon. As I was running that course, I started to think about the variety of questions that would…
Silver Rush 50, Leadville, Colorado (10,000 feet to 12,200 feet): 13 hours 16 minutes 45 seconds This has been a journey. When I registered for my first ultramarathon, I knew that I didn't have the…
For the past 2 weeks I have been running without listening to music. In the beginning, I didn't understand how someone could possibly run for hours without a beat or voice playing around them. The…
Finding time to stop for 10 minutes and write down thoughts is rough. Looking at my last post, I see that I announced I have registered for my first ultramarathon. Then no more posts. Well…
36:22 - 4 miles While I have not posted here in over a month, I have been running. Now whether or not I have had any thoughts on those runs is a different discussion. Considering…