Sloppy Joe Run


2:08:12 - 10.40 miles This afternoon I hit a favorite trail that has a strong climb over rocky terrain. RunKeeper says there was a total of 1,382 feet of climbing. It's a busy trail with…

Sleep When You Need To Sleep


01:50:00 - 10.1 miles My last "real" run was Wednesday. I have been beating myself up about that, but realized it's only 4 days of not running. Each of those nights I have slept 8+…

Energy Drain


They joy of having your own consulting company is that it's feast or famine. Due to everything else going on in my life, I can go weeks without thinking about my company. Then, out of…

Running Off Kilter


01:39:00 - 9.44 miles Decided to try and run with music again today just to mix it up. There's a group that I saw live about 5 years ago at the Scottish Festival that takes…

Some Reasons Why I Run


Sunday I did an 8 mile trail run and yesterday a 4.25 mile hill workout. All good stuff and feeling it in the legs so decided for a day off from running. I often get…

Running for More 2012


58:30 - 6 miles I have been spending most of my thoughts on the run thinking about what charity I can partner with for 2012. My goal is to run the Leadville 100 (yes, 100…

Start of a New Week


39:20 - 4 miles 4x400 Decided to just do a small speed workout and try to catch up on sleep from the weekend. Yesterday I did an 8 mile run to test out a new…

Adding to the Mix


33:20 - 3 miles Tomorrow I plan to hit a new trail that was suggested to me, so today was to be a light run workout. Tossed in a couple 800s to start getting over…