Bloody Shoes
March 4, 2009 Running

32:00 – 3 miles

Rough night often leads to a rough morning. I packed my running bag last night with everything as usual, but didn’t pay close enough attention to the details. My entire drive to the gym I mapped out an 8 mile run that was going to be great! I pulled my shoes and clothes out of the bag, unraveled the socks to find out they were my 6 year olds. Hmmm. Those aren’t going to fit. So I decide to run with no socks on.

The first mile went just fine as ever and my feet were actually feeling quite comfortable. Around came mile 2 and my heel started taking notice of the shoe rubbing against it. By mile 3, it was done. While it was uncomfortable, it wasn’t nearly as shocking as it felt in the shower. Apparently if you run off a few layers of skin and stick it under water there is more shock then using a spoon to dig out a chunk of your skin.

On to the rest of the day ….

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