CNN Word Cloud


01:33:00 - 9 miles Stepped up the pace and noticing I picked up an extra mile in the same time as last week ... and feeling great! Last night was a Presidential news conference and…

An extra mile


53:00 - 5 miles Well I just looked at my training calendar and I apparently was only supposed to run 4 miles today. Oops. I even stepped up the pace so that I can work…

No TV in the Bar

0 Comments I thought this was an interesting article as it talks about a group of bars in New York that don't believe in having televisions posted inside. This way, patrons of the bar can enjoy…

Running and Naming


1:00:00 - 5.5 miles The evening before involved a 3 hour naming-a-company-brainstorming that had me wired and a couple beers were not helping. So for most of the night I was in and out of…

Coffee and Writing


40:00 - 3.5 miles (with warm-up/cool down) First day back at my gym in almost a month ... it was great to get back in that environment and get moving. Still a little sore from…

Run Motley Crue Run


36:00 – 3 miles The goal of this morning's run was to go slow. After a night of drinking and a day of exhausting talking, I knew running wouldn't be feeling right. And I was…

Tornados and Beer


I am currently in Atlanta watching the weather to determine if a tornado will hit. I have been stuck in two tornados in the past year. Those experiences educated me on what conditions need to…

Best Outdoor iPhone Apps


I must say that since getting my iPhone (with T-Mobile) that life has not been the same! The simple Google Maps and the GPS that goes along with it has saved me quite a few…