All About the Music
1:22:00 - 8 miles Kids wanted to go play at the gym and with their membership is 2 hours of child care. This is no ordinary child care gym. There is a 3 level maze,…
1:22:00 - 8 miles Kids wanted to go play at the gym and with their membership is 2 hours of child care. This is no ordinary child care gym. There is a 3 level maze,…
41:00 - 4 miles Read an interesting definition of endurance today at the gym: The ability to continue even under stress and exhaustion. That certainly applies to my running goals, but it also applies to…
40:00 - 4 miles including 2x800 I've been battling a sinus cold the past 3 days and couldn't take another day of not going running. The original plan was to go in and do a…
5:26:44 - 26.2 Miles The reason you haven't seen many posts here is because I haven't been doing many runs. Yet here is a post with a recap of me running a marathon after said…
1:00:00 - 5.5 miles I'm finding myself more and more tired throughout the day. I remember having this issue when training for my first marathon. It goes back to the food intake. I need to…
53:00 - 5 miles Still feeling the big hike up the mountain on Saturday afternoon ... great exercise and great friends. Would love to work in more mountain workouts, but that makes scheduling a bit…
55:00 - 5 miles It was nice to get to the gym early (4:30a) after so much time away. I forgot how much I missed that environment and the people motivated to make a change…
1:00:00 - 4.75 miles Going to take some time to get back up to where I was in May. With a half marathon in 4 weeks and full marathon in 8 weeks, I have some…