Lunch with Joe Biden
Went out to grab some lunch at the Tabor Center in downtown Denver. Around 11:50am, throngs of cameras and news crews started to gather on the corner. 10 minutes later the Secret Service, SWAT, and…
Went out to grab some lunch at the Tabor Center in downtown Denver. Around 11:50am, throngs of cameras and news crews started to gather on the corner. 10 minutes later the Secret Service, SWAT, and…
It is here. Sitting only a quarter mile from the DNC events it is not hard to miss. Union Station has every track occupied with a train, new and old, signs have been cleaned up,…
I'm a little confused on why there is debate as to whether to count Florida and Michigan's votes. The states were told that if you break the rules and move the primaries, that they would…
46:56 - 5.03 miles This is an interesting campaign. Watching the speech below is refreshing to hear someone with such charisma, passion, and knowledge of the English language. His message is clear: time for change.…
This is cool video of the missile being launched and hitting the defunct spy satellite. It feels like watching a movie and stopping to think how far we have come in 10 years is quite…
21:33 - 2.03 miles There are ideas all around us and it is just a matter of listening and connecting the invisible dots. People wonder where the next 'big idea' will come from. The ideas…
CNN reports that protesters and citizens are boycotting the Marines while trying to force the recruiters out of town. Not sure where to start here. Is this like saying if you wanted baseball to stop,…