Boston Runners World

Process of Designing the Cover After An Event


When a major event, good or bad, happens in the world, there is always someone there to capture the details. Paying tribute in a classy and accurate way takes skill. There's a creative process and…

What Not To Do Before A Marathon


There are many "rules" in running I don't mind breaking. Quite often I break the big one and do something completely different on race day. Most of the time it backfires, but yet I still…

Musical Artwork Chairs

Parenting Moment on Stuff vs Experiences


I like to solve problems. The topic or situation doesn't matter too much to me. Technology, logistics, design, traffic ... don't care. Let's hear the problem and find a solution. Hearing can't sends chills down…

Cherry Creek Sneak last stretch

2013 Cherry Creek Sneak 10 Mile


1 hour 33 minutes I always like this race. Not just because of the long sleeve tech shirt, simple course, or post-race party, but because of the people. This event offers something for everyone. There's…

My Toes Hurt


Let's just say I have taken the past 3 weeks off from running. There have been the occasional 6 mile runs here and maybe 3 miles there, but in my mind, I haven't been running.…

33 Mile Run to Work


First off, there was a cinnamon roll involved. We all have our motivations, they change over time, but I wanted a cinnamon roll. From home to office it is about 33 miles. That can vary…