Fantastic Four Things Friday – Week Recap No. 22
While traveling and being on vacation with the family, it is hard to narrow it down to just four things ... so here they are! 1. Ice Cream Each day this past week we had…
While traveling and being on vacation with the family, it is hard to narrow it down to just four things ... so here they are! 1. Ice Cream Each day this past week we had…
Worldess Wednesday brought to you by the hills of Ohio. When you see a field, run through it and act like a kid again.
Before the sun came up on Friday, we were packing up the van and moved the kids from bed to seats for our journey east. The dog was full of energy as he knew something…
1. Wildlife Sanctuary About 45 minutes away is a large wildlife sanctuary that has bears, lions, coyotes, and more. You get to walk along a walkway that goes over all of these animals. They have…
These photos for Wordless Wednesday brought to you from our Leadville Train ride.
1. The Rain Dance Worked As you may have seen on the national news, for most of June Colorado was on fire. This past weekend, my wife and 4 kids joined some friends at a…
[caption id="attachment_1799" align="alignleft" width="300"] 2011 Silver Rush Starting Line[/caption]Normally I don't do this. The whole right down, or even say out loud, what my goals are for a race. I know that people say that…
Looking out from Mosquito Pass in Leadville. Peaceful ... except realizing you have to run up it. That's just cool!