Category: motivation

Fantastic Four Things Friday – Week Recap No. 27
A week of firsts and lasts, back to the gym, writing, and going through video. Here are four fantastic things to note this Friday. 1. 1st Day of Preschool ... for the last time Our…

Get That Shaky Feeling Back
After missing the cutoff time at mile 52 of the Leadville 100, I made a pact that I was going to start getting ready for next year. Over the past week I have been doing…

Wordless Wednesday No. 27
I found this sign at Target in the diaper aisle. It's appropriate and makes me giggle because it says "butts" (yes I have the personality of a 12 year old), but I also try and…

My Greatest Failure
[caption id="attachment_2005" align="alignleft" width="225"] Descent into Twin Lakes Aid Station[/caption]Just over a week after the Leadville 100 Mile Trail Run and all is good. Legs feel normal, toe is less tender, and brain not completely…

Fantastic Four Things Friday – Week Recap No. 26
This was one of those weeks that I won't forget the rest of my life. 1. Taking on Leadville 100 Mile Run I showed up, ran, cried, laughed, saw llamas, and met great people. You…

Wordless Wednesday No. 26
Photos from an emotional day in Leadville [caption id="attachment_2027" align="alignnone" width="595"] Hope Pass backside[/caption]

Fantastic Four Things Friday – Week Recap No. 25
This was a week of mixed thoughts and emotions. The week I have been thinking about for over a year has arrived ... Leadville 100 Mile Run! There was some fantastic stuff this week and…