Apex Trail Golden Colorado

Ah Screw It


Screw it. I made the announcement to myself as I stood atop a mountain in Colorado. It was 7:23 in the morning as I watched the sun make itself known and could see deer roaming…

Musical Artwork Chairs

Parenting Moment on Stuff vs Experiences


I like to solve problems. The topic or situation doesn't matter too much to me. Technology, logistics, design, traffic ... don't care. Let's hear the problem and find a solution. Hearing can't sends chills down…

Marshall Ulrich

Ten Commandments of Endurance


[caption id="attachment_1944" align="alignleft" width="300"] Marshall Ulrich[/caption]People are brought into our lives for a reason. Whether it be for you to help them or vice versa. In the present we don't always know the reason, but…

My First Ultramarathon Leadville

Complain or Do Something


On a recent 10 mile trail run I was thinking about our society and world. Yup, it's going to be one of those writings. I like to look for patterns in everyday life. Watching the…

Denver Broncos Tim Tebow Defeat the Steelers

Denver Broncos Show Hard is Just a Word


1:00:00 - 5.5 miles If it's not hard, then you're doing it wrong. I read this quote in a running book about 3 years ago and it still resonates with me today. What does it…

Time Tebow Denver Broncos

Consistent Message Will Move It Forward


1:49:00 - 10 miles Tim Tebow. I told myself I wouldn't write about him but I have to. This is our famed quarterback of the Denver Broncos. He's famed for letting people know about his…