Fishy Run

Fishy Run


1:18:30 – 7.50 miles

I like change. In fact, I welcome it! I work and live with people who don’t enjoy change as much though, so I’m aware when change is happening. For me, I’m not good with doing the same thing day in and day out. It’s not to say I can’t, it’s more about making each day more interesting. Maybe this is just how my brain works and I haven’t trained it differently, but I like change.

On Twitter, I talk a lot about running. I connect with veteran and new runners, triathletes, and cyclists. There is always something new to be learned, quote to gather, and interesting stories about what people do. Two weeks ago on Twitter, Beth Lynch on Twitter posted that she eats Swedish Fish when she runs. Well that sounded odd … and awesome at the same time!

The more I thought about it, the more it seemed to make sense. After all, I’m the guy that ate double chocolate donuts at mile 24 of a marathon, PBJ multiple times on ultramarathon, and beer during several marathons. Who am I to even question eating candy while running? You’re body needs a little bit of sugar for a kick and carbs when going on long runs.

So I decided to give it a whirl on this morning’s run. I’m not sure if the substance of the Swedish Fish actually provided a physical benefit, but the mental aspect was positive. I told that myself that on the even number miles I would get 2 Swedish Fish. This by itself was enough distraction to push through mile repeats. I’ve always had a bit of an issue with sticky chewy things while running, but this wasn’t too bad. Small bites and taking my time. Kind of like how ultras are to be run.

Beth admits she didn’t come up with the idea, but I give her credit for bringing the idea to my attention. That is one of the valuable attributes of social media, you have the ability to hear ideas and connect with new perceptions. The people you can meet are extraordinary!

Click here to donate as Beth is raising money for the Susan G. Komen Marathon for the Cure!

3 Replies to “Fishy Run”

  1. Ohhh, I like how you even had a plan for eating the Swedish Fish!  I just randomly run holding them in my ziploc baggy!  What other weird things can we eat on the run?? =)


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