Dog Guard for Coffee
Fantastic Four Things Friday – Week Recap No. 40
November 30, 2012 Business

Fun and interesting week all the way around. Certainly kept busy and did my best to listen to my body as it crashed into exhaustion, but pushed through as my schedule/responsibilities don’t allow for rest. Still, there are always at least 4 fantastic things:

1. Christmas Tree
For the past 4 years we have gone to the local gardening store and purchased our Christmas tree. Prior to this, we did the normal find a place on the corner selling trees brought in from the mountain. That was nice and all, but throwing out the tree after the holidays always didn’t feel right. Our tradition for the 4th year in a row is to purchase a tree in a pot. We bring it into the house and set the pot on a tarp. This solves the first annual challenge of trying to get a tree to be straight in a holder! After the holidays, we move it to the garage for a couple months and then plant it in our yard. We didn’t have to throw it out and have a tree in the yard with a story. Great way to help the environment and the yard!
Pick a Potted Christmas Tree

2. Dog Back at Work
I haven’t been bringing my dog into work just because he can be a bit of a distraction. On one day this week though, I needed the distraction. I picked up my free Starbucks coffee after dropping the kids off at school and made the drive to the office. He loves just being around people and there are plenty that give him attention when he comes in!
Dog Guard for Coffee

3. Tossing the Football
Over the weekend the weather was nice enough to throw the football around. It was a bit chilly in the shade, so tried to spend the time in the sun. After watching a few football games, it was great to see how my son improved his catching ability. We talked about the strategies wide receivers use when running routes and how to catch the ball. Funny how when he listens he improves. Not that he noticed that correlation …
Football in November

4. Video Blog
This week I posted my 2nd video blog (vlog), so I guess that means I’m getting into a pattern. My goal is every other week to post one, but I’m finding that it so much easier to record a few minutes of video out on a run with my thoughts rather than remembering them and typing when I get back. Wow am I lazy.

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