2012 Race Medals on Display
Displaying the Medals for All
November 8, 2012 motivation

Someone asked me how many races I have participated in. I told them I stopped counting after 10 marathons and I consider the half marathons I do as training with friends. The next question they asked:

What do you do with all the medals from those races?

About a year ago, my wife put some from my first couple years into a shadow box. It has the first half marathon and first marathon medals in there. Those are probably my favorite ones just because of the memories, experience, and journey to get them. There are a couple medals that I like because of their design. The Taste of Louisville Half Marathon is a cool medal and the Rock n’ Roll series always makes a colorful one.

Now when I come home from a race, I present the medal to one of my kids. They walk around with it for a bit before turning it into a weapon by swinging it around their head, bouncing it off the floor, or seeing if it works as a hula hoop. Although I think they are losing interest in the medals now.

2012 Race Medals on DisplayAt work I have the medals from 2012 laid out. Someone stopped by and asked if this was me showing off (I’m still fairly new at this office) by displaying these. The reason I have these out is that the past month of running has not been the best. I’m getting out at most 20 miles/week and that’s not enough. My energy level is really low, but brain wants to go faster. I have ideas and want to execute, but running into the number one excuse: I don’t have the time.

Well, I probably do have the time, but that also means giving up some things.

Here’s my Monday – Friday schedule:
8a – 5p: Work (meetings, designing, writing, strategy)
5p – 8p: Home (dinner, cleanup, kids to bed)
9p: Bed

Somewhere in the 9 at night until 8 in the morning is when I spend time with my wife and find time to run. The more I run, the more sleep I need, which means less time in that time block. I can keep that up for 2-3 weeks before body shuts down and goes into recovery mode. In those few weeks, coffee is very helpful. The schedule generally doesn’t make me sick as I’m a regular Juice Plus plan follower.

Oh to be a kid again without having to worry about anything except how to be happy.

For those that have done half marathons and beyond, what do you do with your medals?

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