Fantastic Four Things Friday – Week Recap No. 35
October 26, 2012 Education

1. Pumpkin Patch
This year we decided to try a more local and smaller Pumpkin Patch. In past years we’ve gone to a large farm, with lots of people, plenty of things to do, candy apples, and on and on. That is great, but this year we wanted to make it easier. I found one near our house due a banner on the side of the road (who says offline marketing doesn’t work!) so we checked it out. They had a cornbox (like a sandbox but with dried corn), cornmaze, kids cornmaze, and wagons to take out into the field and collect pumpkins. Everyone had a great time!

No job scares her
Little one with big job

2. Boulder Marathon
I already wrote about my dissatisfaction with the Boulder Marathon, but the fantastic thing was running with a first time marathoner. As I generally always run alone, it was nice to chat and get to know someone better. Afterall, we had 4-5 (ended up being more) hours to hang out. I am glad he’ll be back to do another!
Running with llamas

3. Kids’ Honor Assembly
My two oldest kids’ made honor roll this past quarter … very proud! They were just shy of making High Honors and they’ve already talked about how they can take that next step. It warms my heart knowing that they want to be better and continue reaching for new goals.

4. First October Snowfall
It snowed and I don’t have photos? Strange I know, but that is how busy the week has been. The snow didn’t impact much driving for me, but I’m sure there are many in the Denver area that have a different experience. My goal this weekend is to get out and run in the snow, but schedule (with 4 kids) is always subject to change.

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