Elk Ranch trails
Fantastic Four Things Friday – Week Recap No. 34
October 19, 2012 Education

1. Kids Conferences
This week we met with teachers for our 3 oldest kids to see how they are doing in school. Each child has their own style, strengths, and focus. Fortunately, they are all at or above where the school wants them to be. That is great and provides us insight into how we can add on top of that at home to take them further.

2. Running with No Signal
As I wrote in Ultrarunner Secret Getaway Location, this week I was able to run with friends in the mountains on 1,000 acres of nature. At the same time, the thought does sneak up on me that if something goes wrong, I had better tap into those Boy Scout days and start making smoke signals.
Elk Ranch trails

3. Sleeping
Sounds weird, but it has been fantastic to sleep 8-9 hours a night this week! It makes sense that the more you run the more you need sleep, but I really haven’t been running much the past 2 weeks. Rather than stressing about it, I’m going to go with the answer my body is fighting off something. Good time as running a marathon in 2 days.

4. Dog Time
It has been fun to hang out with my dog so much this week. Between him coming to the office with me more and a short run in 35mph winds, we’ve chatted a bit. He’s also had to endure my singing in the car. Only did I catch him with his paws over his ears.

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