My Personality – 10 Questions Answered
May 3, 2012 conversations

Over the past month I have received emails from new visitors asking a variety of questions from running to scheduling to recommendations. A friend of mine did a post answering questions about themselves so I thought I would steal the questions they answered to provide some insight into me. Please feel free to respond, ask, or use!

10 Questions About My Personality

1. When a cashier in the checkout line at the grocery store is being a grump for no reason, how do you typically react?
Challenge Accepted! When I see people not in a good mood, I want to give them a moment to escape it. What I do may not alter their life, but it may be that spark that allows them an out. I mentioned an experience like this in a Thoughtful Tuesday post, but it’s just taking that 20 seconds to recognize someone as being human. At times we all act likes grumps and through a hissy fit, but a quick laugh can change that.

2. Are you the type that likes going out with the boys or staying in?
Both … I feel an enormous amount of responsibility on my shoulders so I have a hard time going out and letting go. There was a time when going out would have been my first choice, but now I like to do it once or twice a month. Having friends over, cooking, drinking, watching a game, and sharing stories is more where I am now.

3. Do you sob and get emotional watching romance movies?
Present day yes. Pre-kids I would laugh at romance movies, but I remember shortly after our first son was born that Hallmark commercials would get me emotional. Kids change your life in more ways then you can describe.

4. What stresses you out the most?
Not much. I taught myself (right or wrong) that stress is a state of mind like fear and can be overcome. The night before a race, I do worry (maybe stress) that I will sleep through my alarm, forget timing chip, or having to stop. For the most part, I try to cooperate with the universe and not try to control it.

5. What do you think people think of you?
This one makes me laugh because I hear that I am full of energy and very outgoing. True, there is the side of me, but then there’s the side that likes to sit in front of the computer and write pages of thoughts. Running ultramarathons isn’t exactly a high adrenaline sport like football may be, so I consider my running as the opposite of outgoing. I wrote about my ultra running being lonely and maybe that’s how I store up my outgoingness. Overall though, I believe people see me as someone that can be honest, listen, fun, and ready to shine light on the positive side of a situation. Oh, and I like to laugh.

6. When you overindulge do you hit the gym to burn it all off, or just accept the indulgence and follow your same routine?
Life is full of give-and-takes. I used to run so I could eat more donuts, but I have found running changes the way I look at food. Eating is something I’m still working on because when I run 30-40 miles a week, I always feel hungry. If I take a trip to Big Fat Cupcake then I do add an extra mile or exercise to my routine.

7. Are you easily annoyed?
I annoy myself more then others annoy me. Persistent negative people do get on my nerves after awhile, but I try to surround myself with people I want to be like.

8. What do you think is your biggest personality flaw?
That’s a tough one because I am constantly analyzing my flaws to try and improve. I have been told that I get excited and talk too much about running/exercising. So possibly a flaw would be talking too much when it’s on a topic that I’m excited about. Or maybe my flaw is overanalyzing? Call it maturity, but there are some things about me I don’t feel like I have to change.

9. What is one thing you don’t think people see enough of when it comes to your personality?
The more reserved side. I think that when it does come out, people think there is something wrong. Sometimes I pull back in order to come out in greater force. I’ve been working on quality over quantity.

10. Can you feel relaxed in a busy crowd or messy room?
I’m inconsistent on this one. It depends on the reason for the crowd … if I’m there with close friends then I’m all good. If I’m there to be “Alex the Runner” then it’s more challenging and don’t feel I can really relax. It really depends on the environment, music, and who’s mixing the drinks.

So that was somewhat therapeutic … let me know if there were surprises and other observations you have!

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