Denver Snow Storm
Running Late
December 1, 2011 Running

48:20 – 4.5 miles

Denver Snow StormNormally I run before the day begins. Today was a little different due to snow and an early conference call. I made one of those unconscious decisions to sleep in an extra hour. I’m finding that I am really good about making those decisions at 4a and somehow resetting the alarm clock. There are times I think I have included it as part of a dream only to realize it was reality. Unfortunately, logic was still asleep when it happened this morning. My main reason for getting up at 4a was so that I could get on the roads before everyone else due to the snow storm. Getting up an hour later made the drive a bit slower along with not fully being awake for the meeting.

Following the meeting, I sent out email updates, cleared the to-do list of the morning, and headed for the treadmill. It was a scenic view trotting along while staring out at the snow falling. The people shoveling the sidewalk did so 3 times while I was on the move. News was boring and Pandora was delivering up mediocre choices of music. It was difficult to get my brain into running.

I couldn’t tell if I was trying to not think so as to not think about things I didn’t want to think about or if I was just out of things to think about.

You get that?

Either way, the goal was just to keep moving and I was able to. It just reinforces to me that my best time to workout is before the day starts. Once the day gets going, too many excuses start to get in the way. Everything from being tired to having more work to do to excuses others make up for me.

Just need to keep moving and find ways to incorporate movement into everything I do.

"1" Comment
  1. You still got miles in! Way to persevere!  Doesn’t it kind of stink though when you wake up late and have that run later that’s like “you should have done this earlier!!”  I hate that, but eventually we learn, right?

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