33:20 – 3 miles
Tomorrow I plan to hit a new trail that was suggested to me, so today was to be a light run workout. Tossed in a couple 800s to start getting over the mental issue of speed. Then added in some circuit weight lifting.
Kids start school next week. As I leave the house before they wake up and get home for dinner, doesn’t fully impact my schedule. Fortunately, Tanya is extremely organized and is able to map out how to get 4 kids to where while still taking care of the house, meals, teach piano lessons, and all the other things I don’t see.
Mentally I’ve started incorporating running into my work schedule. Many times I go back and forth on this as I don’t want running to be “work.” As with life, most of it does come down to mental.
Over the past 2 weeks I’ve had conversations with people asking me about my training for the ultramarathon. When I tell them I did about 30 miles a week, I get consistent feedback: no way. Again, it’s mental. If you focus on an entire task it will inhibit your chances of completing it. Take it in steps. For the ultra, my goal was aid station to aid station (about 7 miles). There were times that it was mile to mile and others it was step to step.
Ultimately, maybe what you need is a change in the way you think, not just how you run.