46 minutes – 4.5 miles
Went into this morning’s run with the idea of mile repeats. The goal is to add some speed to my long distance endeavors. Now, I haven’t done a whole lot of running the past 3 weeks. Between vacation and knee recovering from the fall on the Leadville 50, some time off the feet was probably due.
Part of the vacation last week included a trip to Ohio. I only had time to get 1 run in and I must say that humidity sucks. Also, in rural Ohio there are not a lot of sidewalks. There are also not a lot of medians. Knowing this, I chose to start my run at 5a to avoid as much “I’m going to die moments” as possible. Fortunately, there were only a handful.
Tips on running in humidity:
– Drink water
– Loose clothes
– Drink water
Otherwise, it was an enjoyable run that I got to hit the 5k route that my son (when he was 5) did a few years ago, saw cows, and plenty of people wondering what I was running from.