ChiRunning Start
January 31, 2011 Books

1:38:20 – 10 miles

Last night I started reading ChiRunning and have already seen improvements. No, this is not a Holiday Inn Express commercial where I ready 12 pages of a book and revolutionize my running. With that being said, I made a couple of tweaks to my form this morning. Leaving the treadmill, I felt great! In fact, I felt better then before I started running.

2 hours later and I feel muscles engaged that I haven’t felt before, but no pain. One of the techniques I implemented was adding “lean”. The book talked about leaning forward and just letting your legs come along for the ride. Just that little change made a difference. Breathing and effort seemed easier when you let gravity lend a hand!

As I move on past page 12, I’ll let you know how things progress. Understanding biomechanics and gravity seem to be a key and look forward to learning more.

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