1:30:00 – 9 miles
It feels different when I talk about distant running now. I refer to a semi-long run as 9 miles like it’s nothing. In reality, it is something. As a running coach once told me during a marathon: you have to work the plan. Well, I am in the beginning stages of the plan and can already see the end result becoming more attainable. Running 50 miles doesn’t seem all that far fetched when you have a plan to get there. Yes, it seems (and is) long, but you know you will get there.
As with everything, it all comes back to having a plan. IT applies to every aspect of our lives. From getting kids to school, finishing college, getting a new job, or wanting to make a change. Whether or not you like the plan is an entirely different discussion, but you can achieve goals with a plan.
Many people take the easy way out. They talk about how “it’s too hard” or “that’s crazy talk”. Walking on the moon was deemed “crazy” at one point and now going to Mars does not excite people.
If there’s one thing that pushes my button it’s complainers. Yes, we all need to get things off our chest (it’s healthy!) but if it’s the same thing over and over … yuck. If you really want to change it, make a plan.
People often tell me I’m crazy for running 6 marathons in 18 months. I had a plan. Granted, I didn’t always follow it, but I knew what my consequence would be. I control what I can do and in the same token, control what happens if I don’t follow through.
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