Many Trees Look Alike

Many Trees Look Alike


1:02:05 – 6 miles

I woke up at 6a on the outskirts of Atlanta to take in a morning run. The elevation is about 4,000 feet lower, humidity is higher, and the paths are plentiful. I spent 45 minutes running and admiring the houses and trees, then realized I didn’t know where I was. Around every corner seemed to be another street that looked like the one I was on. No real idea on how to get back to where I started. Fortunately, the sun had come up and others were out walking. Very nice people here.

Things running through my mind on this morning’s run included everything from repackaging my company’s business model, producing new online shows, and meeting new people. Many use sleep to process their daily experiences, but I am finding that running is effective as well. Not to mention, the exercise is helpful.

It’s all about multi-tasking. Sometimes.

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