In Seth Godin’s blog post today, he talks about how companies are evolving and changing from what they started out to be. It is survival instinct to add more products to increase your customer base. This has been evident in small towns where Walmart has moved in. Small shops and what were once specialty stores have started to add products and services to their business. Does this change who they are and what they set out to be? Absolutely. As much as you may want to say you are still the same company you started out to be, the perception is different.
When I started my company, 720x, 5 years ago, it was all about producing design and video for companies around the country. It has definitely changed and evolved along with the technology. Now, we are a team in Colorado that pools our skills together to partner with companies. Is the company the same that I set it out to be? On some level. It is still about the personal service, but no longer about offering just one service. The employees still care about the customer and want the work-life balance.
Every company and organization needs to be aware of perception.