With it being the start of a new year, I haven’t really made too many changes, but more enhancements to existing goals.
1) Exercise. While cliche, it is something that I want to do more of. This is because by the end of 2008, I want to have run in 2 half marathons and 1 full marathon with a couple 5ks thrown in for fun. Combined, that is about 60 miles of running. Not bad.
2) 720x. Want to increase the success of my company 720x as it enters its 5th year of operation. First item is to re-design the website with it being 3 years out-of-date! Already bringing on more staff and keeping them busier then ever, the pipeline is looking really good for 1st quarter!
3) Learn new skills out of my comfort zone. This has been something I have been working on for the past month. My skill has always been in computers and speaking in front of crowds. I finally completed the entertainment center (acquiring some excellent new tools in the process!) and am ready for new areas to learn.
All 3 of these contribute to the most important resolution I have: more family time. Being healthier gives me more time on Earth, 720x increase in success more time at home, and learning new skills (with family) makes it a reality. Up until now I have been waiting to find the right person to help with 720x, but believe I have a solid core of programmers and developers to push forward and make some amazing things happen!
Looking forward to a great year!
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