Media Missing the Stories
December 28, 2007 Books

I have had several conversations online and offline about the media and what they cover. It appears the media is more interested in Hollywood and what celebrities are doing wrong. In other words, focusing on gossip.

Lindsay Lohan Mug Shot

A story on CNN points out the events overshadowed by Brittney’s drama and Paris Hilton’s short jail time rather then focusing on events that had greater impact on the world. Some of these include:

– Luciano Pavarotti died
– Where did the billions of dollars go that was poured into Iraq?
– The last Harry Potter book was released and The Sopranos ended with a controversial finale

Do I think it’s a shame that some Major League Baseball players used steroids? Yes. Does the media forget to point out that it was not banished or illegal when the players did it? Yes.

The conspiracy theorist side of me makes me wonder if politics plays a part in this. With news from Iraq rarely positive, is it being kept out of the media light to help gain momentum for certain political candidates?

Brings back the question I have been raising of what should the news media be covering? What I would like to see is the media either report the facts, or if they have to present their side, allow for the other side to be presented as well.


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