Horses on the plains

Coming Out of the Woodwork


People tell me that I must be a multi-tasking genius. Wife, 4 kids, day job, consulting, and ultrarunning. There was a time I would agree to the label, but for the past 6 months, my…

Musical Artwork Chairs

Parenting Moment on Stuff vs Experiences


I like to solve problems. The topic or situation doesn't matter too much to me. Technology, logistics, design, traffic ... don't care. Let's hear the problem and find a solution. Hearing can't sends chills down…

Running Gear Deals

Runners Black Tie Friday Event


There are two things that I can buy a lot of: technology gadgets and running gear. Thanks to my friends at Road Runner Sports, I have the "in" on their upcoming event. Friday, November 9th…

Landing on the Moon

Think Crazy to Redefine Everything


1:10:45 - 6.5 miles Sometimes you have to think crazy in order to redefine everything. That's my ah ha moment of my run this morning. Every once and awhile a line comes to me like…

2011 – Year of Speed


38:10 - 4 miles My goal for this year is to actually train for a marathon. Yes, I have done 6 marathons, but really only trained for the first one. In keeping with stretching goals,…

Advice to College Students


1:42:00 - 8.5 miles A friend posted a status update yesterday that she was going to speak to college students and offer career advice. She made the joke that they should get a degree and…

Pace Pusher


01:00:20 - 6 miles The mental aspect of running is fascinating to me. I'm pushing my pace and mentally telling myself that I'm still going slowly. Seems to be working. The main reason I am…