Starting line with crew

2013 Silver Rush 50 – Rain Sucks


48 miles – 14 hours Not finishing this race never even crossed my mind. After completing it twice, I was looking forward to revisiting this trail, its challenges, and training for the 100. But alas,…

Ball Mountain Backside

2013 Leadville Marathon – Lightning Sucks


8 hours 2 minutes Leadville makes nothing easy. When I tell people that I completed a marathon, I emphasize that this was the Leadville Marathon. Over 6,000 feet of climbing with half of that being…

Trail Falling

Falling Down on the Trail


I have become a master at falling down on trails. To my credit, 95% of my training is now on rocky trails. All of last year, I can count on one hand the training I…

Boston Runners World

Process of Designing the Cover After An Event


When a major event, good or bad, happens in the world, there is always someone there to capture the details. Paying tribute in a classy and accurate way takes skill. There's a creative process and…