Writing A Book

My Non-Writing Strategy


It has been a week since writing here, there, or anywhere. Not just this site, but the number of emails and the attention to my book has been sparse. Normally when I take time away…

Kids and Work

Working Amongst Chaos


Most days I work from home and I can "work." My 4 kids like to create new challenges to see how fast and efficient I can get through my project list, reply to emails, and…

Starts with You

It All Starts With You


The fellow whose verdict counts most in your life is the one staring back from the glass. - Dale Wimbrow I read this quote and it hit on something I have been talking about. No…

Kids Writing on the Wall

Writing on the Wall in Permanent Marker?


1:59:52 - 10.29 miles (deer:8) [caption id="attachment_781" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Kids Writing on the Wall"][/caption]In my first office job I learned to see patterns. Many call it an instinct or a sign, but if you watch…

Deer Watching the Run

Look for Unexpected Help


2:07:09 - 10.84 miles (1,806 ft climb) [caption id="attachment_766" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Top of Hall Ranch Trail"][/caption]Recently (yesterday) my schedule opened up for the next few months. My first thought was which trail I could go…

Time Tebow Denver Broncos

Consistent Message Will Move It Forward


1:49:00 - 10 miles Tim Tebow. I told myself I wouldn't write about him but I have to. This is our famed quarterback of the Denver Broncos. He's famed for letting people know about his…

Text and Drive

Guilty of Texting


I always admit when I am wrong. Today an article in the Denver Post caught my eye with the following title: More Texting Behind the Wheel - Many drivers don't regard own messaging as dangerous…

Ford Mustang

Moving Business to the Next Phase


40:00 - 4.25 miles In order for a company to succeed it needs to evolve. Even established entities, no matter if they've been operating for over 100 years, needs to evolve. Industries and customers' expectations…