Remember Why You Do What You Do


Quite often I forget why I do certain things. It's good to remind myself why I run, why I chose my career, and what my next step will be. You can just let things happen…

Fantastic Four Things – Week Recap


“Life moves pretty fast. You don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” - Ferris Bueller Each week goes by at alarming speeds it seems, so I wanted to try…

Approach It Differently


"If you have never run 100 miles in a week, what makes you think you can do it 1 day?" I knew one day someone was going to ask me this question. It's a valid…

Unexpected Test Ahead


I have a pretty tight schedule. Between being married, having 4 kids, day job, long-time clients, running, and volunteering ... take a breath ... I'm required to be organized. Now, I'm not organized down to…

Follow the Numbers to Success


In the previous post I was complaining about the number of miles I ran in January. While digging deeper into the numbers and realizing a doctor told me not to run half of the month,…

Two For Tuesday


It's a Tuesday, I'm traveling, and I have two things to talk about. 1. Traveling Alone Normally when I travel I have at least one other person with me. On this particular trip to Orlando,…

Leadville Running

Do Something That Scares You


As part of my ongoing experiment to spend less time looking at my phone, I noticed a quote on a sign this morning: Do at least one thing each day that scares you. This follows…

Go Sport ID

In Case You Find Me In A Ditch


With having 4 kids, working during the day, and having 4 kids, running fits in around 4am. That's before most people think about waking up. Where I live doesn't provide the safety of sidewalks, so…