Post 2012 Leadville 100 Interview – Anton Krupicka


Anton Krupicka, 2 time Leadville 100 winner, talks with Brian of iRunFar about this year's race. He covers the fast pace, feeling of a longer course, and overall feeling of the event. Just great insight…

Homer Simpson brain x-ray

Get That Shaky Feeling Back


After missing the cutoff time at mile 52 of the Leadville 100, I made a pact that I was going to start getting ready for next year. Over the past week I have been doing…

Leadville 100 Twin Lakes

My Greatest Failure


[caption id="attachment_2005" align="alignleft" width="225"] Descent into Twin Lakes Aid Station[/caption]Just over a week after the Leadville 100 Mile Trail Run and all is good. Legs feel normal, toe is less tender, and brain not completely…

Leadville 100 Pre Race Briefing

Dig Deeper Leadville 100 Speech – Video


[caption id="attachment_2058" align="alignleft" width="300"] Leadville 100 Pre-Race Briefing[/caption]The day before the Leadville 100 Mile Trail Run, there is a race briefing. This is to go over course changes, rules, tips, and medical signs to be…