My First Ultramarathon Leadville

Complain or Do Something


On a recent 10 mile trail run I was thinking about our society and world. Yup, it's going to be one of those writings. I like to look for patterns in everyday life. Watching the…

Movie Theater Shooting in Colorado


Before the sun came up on Friday, we were packing up the van and moved the kids from bed to seats for our journey east. The dog was full of energy as he knew something…

Hockey Teamwork


1:40:00 - 8 miles This weekend is the last weekend of the season for my son's hockey team. It has been a great year for growth for my son not only on the ice, but…

Challenge Crazy


2:30:00 - 13.1 miles Had quite a few thoughts on the run this morning. Granted, 2.5 hours is a long time in general, so I had time. Watched the recap of the health care summit.…

Still Doing Fine


31:00 - 3 miles It felt really good to run again! 3 days after my first marathon and I am walking with no issues. Granted, my legs are still a bit sore, but I'm just…

Pace Pusher


01:00:20 - 6 miles The mental aspect of running is fascinating to me. I'm pushing my pace and mentally telling myself that I'm still going slowly. Seems to be working. The main reason I am…

Navy Seals on their lunch break


53:00 - 5 miles Woke up before the alarm clock. Not sure if that means I was excited to go run or just couldn't sleep. Granted, I slept a solid 8 hours Saturday night and…