National Running Day 2014


It is National Running Day, so I decided to run to work ... 25 miles. That would be the farthest I have run in 8 months. I left the house just before 1am. All was…

Colfax Group Start

2014 Colfax Half Marathon


This is probably my favorite race in Colorado. I have run either the half marathon or marathon Colfax race since 2008. The event encompasses the spirit of community in everything that it does. From the…

Finding the Time to Run


I have already talked about how hectic my life is, but tell anyone, last week I snuck in 35 miles of running. What the?!? How the?!? At the beginning of the week I made a…

All Back to the Hectic


I like the quote: Failing to plan is planning to fail. Reading the quote it makes sense when you think about those that achieve great things like go to space, win a Super Bowl, or…

Hall Ranch Deer

First Day of Spring Trail Run


The Colorado weather continues behaving for the 2nd day in a row and my work-through-the-night schedule rolls on. With temps hitting mid-60s, seemed like a great reason to head back to my favorite trail in…

Running Around with the Dog

Colorado Weather Keeps It Interesting


One day the weather is 40mph wind-snow and today it is 60 degrees with a light breeze. As I have been working overnight hours, I have had unusual access to run in daylight time. Normally,…

Start of the Treadmill

Moving Past the Bad


No matter your running frequency, you've been there. You start you run with the anticipation to go X miles. About one third X miles in, you start shutting down. At one point, a voice in…