Remember Why You Do What You Do


Quite often I forget why I do certain things. It's good to remind myself why I run, why I chose my career, and what my next step will be. You can just let things happen…

Working Harder Then You Think


With the lack of control I have over my schedule, the past two weeks have been giving me some anxiety. The anxiety is not coming from 3 out of 4 kids having pink eye, me…

Fantastic Four Things – Week Recap


“Life moves pretty fast. You don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” - Ferris Bueller Each week goes by at alarming speeds it seems, so I wanted to try…

Approach It Differently


"If you have never run 100 miles in a week, what makes you think you can do it 1 day?" I knew one day someone was going to ask me this question. It's a valid…

Unexpected Test Ahead


I have a pretty tight schedule. Between being married, having 4 kids, day job, long-time clients, running, and volunteering ... take a breath ... I'm required to be organized. Now, I'm not organized down to…