Category: motivation

Cancelling the NYC Marathon
The impacts of Hurricane Sandy are still ongoing. Some have electricity again after more than a week while others are still trying to wrap their head around losing a home. Neighbors came to the aid…

Fantastic Four Things Friday – Week Recap No. 36
Another fast-paced week with lots of fantastic things. Here are four of them ... 1. Halloween of course The girls knew they wanted to be princesses as their costume pretty early in the year. That…

Be Stealthy in Your Kindness
We all know the Golden Rule: One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself. I say it to my kids in many forms ranging from do unto others as you want…

Runners Black Tie Friday Event
There are two things that I can buy a lot of: technology gadgets and running gear. Thanks to my friends at Road Runner Sports, I have the "in" on their upcoming event. Friday, November 9th…

Work Hard Like You’re Getting Fired – Not
Everyone deals with pressure and change differently. There are times when you know a challenging situation is approaching and have times to prepare for it. Other times, not so much. It's like an earthquake out…

Running Through Tornado
Not too long ago I took my wife to see Rascall Flatts in concert with Little Big Town as the opener. Sitting in the second row of any concert makes it a bit cooler, but…