Moving Business to the Next Phase
40:00 - 4.25 miles In order for a company to succeed it needs to evolve. Even established entities, no matter if they've been operating for over 100 years, needs to evolve. Industries and customers' expectations…
40:00 - 4.25 miles In order for a company to succeed it needs to evolve. Even established entities, no matter if they've been operating for over 100 years, needs to evolve. Industries and customers' expectations…
2:26:05 - 13.1 miles It was a chilly run this morning and first time I have run with a long sleeve pullover. Not too bad! I also stopped at a King Sooper's on the route…
2:30:00 - 13.1 miles Had quite a few thoughts on the run this morning. Granted, 2.5 hours is a long time in general, so I had time. Watched the recap of the health care summit.…
1:42:00 - 8.5 miles A friend posted a status update yesterday that she was going to speak to college students and offer career advice. She made the joke that they should get a degree and…
40:00 - 4 miles including 2x800 I've been battling a sinus cold the past 3 days and couldn't take another day of not going running. The original plan was to go in and do a…
53:00 - 5 miles Woke up before the alarm clock. Not sure if that means I was excited to go run or just couldn't sleep. Granted, I slept a solid 8 hours Saturday night and…
01:33:00 - 9 miles Stepped up the pace and noticing I picked up an extra mile in the same time as last week ... and feeling great! Last night was a Presidential news conference and…
01:04:00 - 6 miles It is almost becoming fun to run more then an hour ... All the talk, every 15 minutes at least, on the news is focused on AIG and their $165 million…