Mailbag Mondays Are Coming


I get several emails and Tweets asking me questions about running, my family, and what I do for work. That is the intersection of this site, so I decided to answer the questions in a…

Refueling the Batteries


[caption id="attachment_2867" align="alignleft" width="300"] Beignet break at Cafe du Monde in New Orleans[/caption]Tech is taking away the humanity in the world. No more eye contact, mtg new ppl face to face, violent games & movies,…

Stress State of Mind

Stress is a State of Mind


For years I have said that I don't get stressed. This is not because my life is simple ... quite the opposite. I have wife, 4 kids, day job, volunteer activities, consulting, and running. For…

Boston Runners World

Process of Designing the Cover After An Event


When a major event, good or bad, happens in the world, there is always someone there to capture the details. Paying tribute in a classy and accurate way takes skill. There's a creative process and…

Hope Pass backside Leadville 100

Do It Right The First Time


Heard a quote today: If you do it right the first time, you don't have to go back and do it a second time. -Jaret Grossman My initial reaction to that is well of course.…

Yoda Do or Do Not

Do or Do Not There is No Try


Sometimes I wish people would just stop talking and just start doing. I have the conversation with adults and I certainly have it with my kids. People say they don't have enough time to do…

Pineridge Trail in Fort Collins

Running Tenderly on the Left


Someone told me recently to not push through the pain. That if it hurts, to stop and recover. Well, in the world of running, or life for that matter, many would not move forward very…

Leadville 100 Twin Lakes

My Greatest Failure


[caption id="attachment_2005" align="alignleft" width="225"] Descent into Twin Lakes Aid Station[/caption]Just over a week after the Leadville 100 Mile Trail Run and all is good. Legs feel normal, toe is less tender, and brain not completely…