Category: Books

My Non-Writing Strategy
It has been a week since writing here, there, or anywhere. Not just this site, but the number of emails and the attention to my book has been sparse. Normally when I take time away…

Working Amongst Chaos
Most days I work from home and I can "work." My 4 kids like to create new challenges to see how fast and efficient I can get through my project list, reply to emails, and…
Take Your Foot Off the Brake
1:00:00 - 6.25 miles Last night in the book ChiRunning I read about how your foot should hit the ground when running. For years I had been trying to figure out whether to hit your…
ChiRunning Start
1:38:20 - 10 miles Last night I started reading ChiRunning and have already seen improvements. No, this is not a Holiday Inn Express commercial where I ready 12 pages of a book and revolutionize my…
You Have to Work the Plan
1:30:00 - 9 miles It feels different when I talk about distant running now. I refer to a semi-long run as 9 miles like it's nothing. In reality, it is something. As a running coach…
Next Steps
I spent last week in San Diego running a conference. My one goal for the week was to take a 1 hour break and sit in a hot tub. That didn't happen. From the moment…
Count the votes?
I'm a little confused on why there is debate as to whether to count Florida and Michigan's votes. The states were told that if you break the rules and move the primaries, that they would…