Follow the Numbers to Success

Follow the Numbers to Success


In the previous post I was complaining about the number of miles I ran in January. While digging deeper into the numbers and realizing a doctor told me not to run half of the month, I realized it wasn’t too bad of a month. Still, I expect more.

Based on past numbers, I decided on a goal for the week. Next was to create a plan on how to achieve that number. Just for fun, decided to get creative and find a little motivation.

As I’m traveling at the moment, I decided to take advantage of the hotel’s beverage/breakfast delivery service. One of the benefits of being a frequent traveler 🙂 I marked on my card that I wanted coffe and Greek Yogurt with Honey delivered at 6:30a. Knowing that this was coming, it helped me get out of bed at 4:55a, get dressed, and head for the treadmill. Finished my 5.5 mile run, came back to my room, and there was my treat. Healthy and motivating!

To make things even more interesting, after dinner I decided to try something new. I added a second run to my day! 5.55 more miles tacked onto the day!

So basically:

If you can measure it, then you can improve it.

Doesn’t matter if we’re talking about running, push-ups, website visits, number of sales, pages written, or whatever … if you can apply a measurement to it, then you can put together a plan to improve it. Track what you do, how you feel, and when so that you can look for patterns. Turn it into a game and go after it!

Some people look at situations or challenges as work. When we mentally tell ourselves that something will be hard, it makes it a little more difficult to accomplish. Stop looking at situations as challenging or hard … look at them as an opportunity to learn something. Believe it or not, it is okay to say you don’t know something. Doctors do it all the time! But the key is that they don’t just throw their hands up and stop. They take it on and problem solve until they find an answer.

Track what you are doing and create a game to take you onward to success!

4 Replies to “Follow the Numbers to Success”

  1. I really enjoyed reading your article. I got hurt about a year ago, I am finally ready to run again, but I am feeling very frustrated that I am so slow. Can you give me advise on how to improve my time or training you’d recommend.

    1. Patience. Your goal should not be to as fast as before your first week back to running. My advice would be to focus go with “time on your feet” rather then speed or distance. Get your body used to the movement of running again and enjoy the adventure that comes along with it!

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