Running Mind

Running Mind


This is where you will win the battle — in the playhouse of your mind. –Maxwell Maltz

I often think about this quote while running. I find times that I stop running around mile 3 and am not sure why. Mostly, I find that I am bored or my head is just blank. Running is a great way to build up mental toughness and work out the issues of the day. When I stop running, I don’t find that my legs are tired or I hurt, it’s more just my mind wandering.

Noticing this is the first step to solving the problem.

3 Replies to “Running Mind”

  1. So what you’re saying is that you have 3 miles worth of thoughts? I know that’s not true. 🙂 Maybe you get all interested in doing something about whatever it is you’re thinking and want to stop running in order to get it done. (???)

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    Whatcha think?

  2. Not sure if I have just 3 miles of thoughts … I agree that it may be I have an idea and I want to work on it right away. I’m big into being in efficient and while you’re running all you can do is run. Which has its good and bad.

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  3. I agree with Max. It’s all in your head. You ran a half on little training. You just have to train your brain too!

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