Rockies Rock Downtown

Rockies Rock Downtown


When a party starts out with the band Opie Gone Bad, you know it will be a great party. A couple thousand people braved the chilly air to show their appreciation of a team that had no expectations. Mayor Hickenlooper led at the mic followed by Governor Ritter. It is apparent to see why their approval ratings are so high based on their charisma, ability to speak from the heart, and ability to laugh. Clint Hurdle took the stage and voiced how proud the players made him this year and turned it over to them to say some words.

The overall message: going all the way next year!

By the way … I have searched around the local news websites and am not able to find any articles about the Celebration Rally yet. This is very disappointing, so I have put in a request to the Rockies to start a blog devoted to the team and that I would be interested in heading that up.

Images from the rally:

Digger & Opie Gone Bad
Governor Ritter
Manager Clint Hurdle
Players Speak
Mayor Hickenlooper

One Reply to “Rockies Rock Downtown”

  1. The news outlets jumped off the bandwagon about 5 minutes after the Series was over. Myself, I can’t wait until Spring Training starts.

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