Rock Wall at Lifetime Fitness
Fantastic Four Things Friday – Week Recap No. 37
November 9, 2012 motivation

Weeks are going by faster, but always something fantastic to look back on. Enjoy it as it happens because you can’t get it back!

1. Hydrapak
For the past year I have been running with a Nathan water pack and this week I received a new Hydrapak Avila to try out. Already I’m pretty excited about it! Soon there will be a full review about it on here … just another reason to go running!

2. Kids
Every week there are multiple fantastic things that my kids do. Whether it is new words (20 minute story telling) by the 3 year old, 5 year old coming out of her shy shell, 7 year old doing gymnastics through the house, or 9 year old understanding more how the world works, it is amazing to see how they grow. There are times I wish some adults could do the same!

Outside picnic in November

3. Election
It has been fun having conversations with the kids about the election, which candidate has said in detail what they’re going to do, and why people choose one over the other. The fresh insight they have gives me hope for the future. They are not (currently) tainted with generations of “the way of doing things” but more and more are looking at ways to solve problems. When they watch an ad, at 7 and 9 years old, they notice when there’s no substance. “All he said was what the other person did wrong but didn’t say what he would actually do.” I run into it with non-runners quite often. Defend why they can’t do something rather than reach out and get something done.

4. Rock Wall
Every weekend the kids beg me to take them to the Lifetime Fitness Gym. They love the kids area (it’s huge!0, rock wall climbing, and indoor pool. Great for me as gives me time to run and workout while knowing the kids are doing the same. It is nice that I get to do some rock wall climbing as well and mix it up. Those muscle groups don’t get used very often by me, but really want to!

Rock Wall at Lifetime Fitness

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