Ducks on the Run
Hurting Legs Run More
October 23, 2012 exercise

If you don’t believe you can, than you won’t.

Ducks on the RunNormally I wait at least 3 days after a marathon to head out for a run. Many people wait longer, but they run faster and harder than me. The muscle fibers need time to repair, so it is recommended to be off the legs for a week.

Well, I am trying something new. Surprise, making myself a guinea pig.

Here’s the thinking … if my legs are sore, I took a day off, then I want to keep the momentum going. This seems like a good time to build on top of what I did this weekend and not let the body get lazy. Plus, if my goal is to really push to 50+ mile weeks, then my body had better learn to operate in this capacity.

When I decided to do a run this morning, I wasn’t expecting anything amazing. Nothing fast, just 4 miles, enjoy the views running solo. I am starting to think I need to invest in a HD Flipcam of some sort. Any sponsors out there that want to be named many times in upcoming videos and in writings???

I was able to capture the above photo of ducks hanging out on the pond along with crossing over the small stream below. Running these trails really is a peaceful world that so many don’t get to experience. Sitting on the couch seems like a slow death compared to being out on the run. Even if it’s just walking, get out and experience this connection!

A trickling stream signaling winter

The key to life is trying it. Stop talking and start doing. Wow are my kids tired of hearing me say that! No matter how much we talk, time keeps moving at the same pace. Instead of watching the bouncing ball go by, grab ahold of the ball and chuck it. Take control and decide where you want to go.

Then do it.

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