Windy Wednesday Run
Don’t Just Get By
October 17, 2012 Business

Windy Wednesday RunThis morning was what I’m calling my Windy Wednesday run. Why’s that? Because it was WINDY! 35mph winds blowing across the reservoir and pushing with all its might. Let’s just say it was great cross-training to run up a hill with that wind blowing down at me. During the night the wind gusts got up to 70mph in some places. That took out power and trees.

Sometimes when I run I listen to Pandora to mix it up. I have no idea where some of the song choices come from. There are songs from high school and then ones I have never heard before. Every once and awhile a line will strike a chord with me. On today’s eclectic playlist, a song chorus included:

don’t just get by

The story of the song was to not be contempt with how things are going if you don’t like it. If you’re not happy, than doing something about it. Don’t settle for good enough. There are times when you have to settle momentarily, but have a plan to get to great.

This same story plays out in the workplace. Lately I have noticed the attitude of “well it has always been that way.” Very few things make my skin crawl, but that kind of attitude is sure to do the trick. Just because it has always been that way doesn’t mean that is the way to do it today. Do you think when Henry Ford introduced the Model T that people said, “oh no, we must keep riding horses”?

Even in times when things are going great, you shouldn’t rest on your hind quarters. Take a moment to enjoy, but remember that life is a rollercoaster ride and a twist is up ahead. Be ready for the future while enjoying the now. Look at what is happening around you and understand how you can fit in it. First, you should figure what you want to be doing and determine a plan to get there. Can you wait and put in the time needed?

Be solution oriented and you might find yourself a little happier!

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