Dixon Resevoir in Fort Collins
Fantastic Four Things Friday – Week Recap No. 31
September 28, 2012 motivation

1. Son elected to student council
This is pretty cool because he amazes me with his fearlessness. Even going door-to-door selling popcorn for Scouts and seeing sometimes the rudeness of people he doesn’t get fazed. He moves right on to the next step without letting a bump phase him. For Student Council, he stood in front of the class of 26 and gave a speech. My only advice was to him was to talk about 3 things he could do to make a difference and include humor to be remembered. At the end of his speech he did the Blake Shelton from The Voice pick me move. Apparently that worked.

2. Back to School Night
Our youngest (3yo) is loving preschool and is quite comfortable there. She is very familiar with the school as her three older siblings have also gone there. It is quite amusing having conversations with her about what she does during the day and puts life into perspective. Or at least into her perspective. The stories she can tell!

3. Another marathon in the books
This past week I completed another marathon. Each one is a little different that comes with its own lesson. For the Denver Rock n Roll Marathon this year it was about foot pain. Well, it started out as foot pain and traveled into a pounding of the back of my head. Reminds me how much I love that stuff!

4. Enjoying the closed trails
I know it’s not the best idea to run on a closed trail as it can damage the trail. This trail was closed due to heavy rain which means a lot of mud. That was all true. Mud that added about 15lbs to my shoes. I took it as meaning bonus training! Plus, if I hadn’t ventured onto the trail, I would have missed sights like this:
Dixon Resevoir in Fort Collins

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