Time with Kids
Fantastic Four Things Friday – Week Recap No. 19
July 6, 2012 exercise

This week flew by like crazy! Here are 4 things that were fantastic …

1. Wife’s birthday
Took my wife out to dinner and a movie for her birthday. We saw The Avengers and really enjoyed it! Great action, music, effects, and humor sprinkled in. Oh, and I surprised her with 2nd row tickets to see Rascal Flatts when they are in town in September! It would have been front row, but the band’s family decided to use those seats.

2. Leadville Marathon
For my 10th marathon I ended up finding one harder then my first 50 mile race. Constant climbing up to 13,125 feet, hail, rain, heat, wind … and it was all awesome! By far the hardest race I have done, but the other runners, volunteers, and staff were pretty amazing! As I was power hiking for a good portion of it, I had time to look around and enjoy the views.
Mosquito Pass Leadville

Kids at Fireston 4th of July3. 4th of July
The kids had a blast at the town’s 4th of July celebration. From the parade to the amusement park rides to the fireworks accompanied by a live band, there were memories made. It is always great to spend time like outside and experiencing new things. My kids continue to ask why people choose to smoke when they know that takes years off their lives. Hard to explain sometimes that you can give people all the information in the world, but they still have to make their own choice … and deal with their own consequences.

Time with Kids4. Light Work
As this was a holiday week, I was light on projects to work on and having conversations about permanent job opportunities. One would think that this resulted in me spending a lot of time on my feet training for the Leadville 100 Mile Trail Run (43 days away!). Instead, I rested physically and spent time with the family. That is a training in it’s own right.

Have a great week and enjoy the fantastic things in your life!

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