Sunday afternoon family BBQ
Fantastic Four Things Friday – Week Recap No. 16
June 15, 2012 exercise

Well this was an interesting week! Triathlons, playing on the Denver Broncos field, BBQ, birthday celebration, kickball, and beer.

Denver Triathlon Finisher1. Surviving my first triathlon
You can read the Denver Triathlon recap, but essentially, I completed a triathlon on zero swim and bike training. Now, I don’t suggest doing that and know for a fact I would have enjoyed it a whole lot more had I did a little swimming. Then again, I may not have done it at all. It’s all about doing something that scares you and just moving forward! The people and athletes I met were amazing. From blind to one leg to one arm athletes, I couldn’t think of a better learning experience.

Denver Broncos Ian2. Denver Broncos Kids Bunch
I took my son to the packet pickup which was at the stadium where the Denver Broncos play. After gathering the race stuff, we decided to take a peak inside the stadium. I had run around the field a few weeks prior at the Colfax Marathon so thought it would be cool to revisit. Come to find out, they were doing a big kids football camp kickoff! Hanging out Mile High Stadium
This included autograph sessions with players, cheerleaders, and alumni. What was really exciting, was that we could go onto the field and they had activities setup for the kids to run football drills. There was also a giant bouncy slide and bouncy obstacle course to run through. He had a blast going through them all! We were also able to go in and see the media room. He stood on stage and took questions while I took pictures. A great experience for both of us!

Flying a Kite3. Sunday afternoon family BBQ on the patio
By the time the afternoon came around after the triathlon, I really wanted to eat. It was a beautiful day in Colorado, so it made sense to BBQ and play outside! We grilled hamburgers and brats, baked potato wedges, served strawberries and blueberries … hit the spot! I didn’t get a beer at the triathlon, so made sure to make that right with the BBQ. I enjoyed a Warsteiner all the way from Germany. Fact you probably don’t know, the beer is from the city that was my Up with People cast’s last stop in a 80 city tour around the world.

Sunday afternoon family BBQAfter that we went out front to ride bikes, fly kites, eat ice cream, and throw a ball around. We played kickball, football toss, and chase the ball down the street. Okay, that last one wasn’t really a game, but I seemed to be doing it a lot. It was a lot of sun time and needless to say everyone, including me, slept very soundly!
Ice Cream on a hot day

3 year old being a 3 year old4. Celebrating our youngest turning 3 years old
With her turning 3 and starting preschool in the fall, it is clear that life is moving forward at a rapid pace. Our kids love going to Red Robin to celebrate their birthday. Well, Chuck E Cheese seems to be catching up to that first place, but for actual food, we lean them towards Red Robin.

Kids at Red Robin celebratingI’m not fully sure why they like it there … almost any restaurant provides ice cream to a birthday child. The staff does seem to provide a nice focus on the kids which helps and there are balloons. I guess it is the simple stuff in life along with time together that makes it special. The kids were all smiles having a good time celebrating her birthday!


The parents out there will know the story this is from and can probably relate to the revised last sentence:
Love you kids but will act like I don't know you

Have a great week!

"1" Comment
  1. What a full week you had! Awesome, quality time with the kids! Happy Birthday do your youngest!

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