Running with child on back
Fantastic Four Things Friday – Week Recap No. 15
June 8, 2012 exercise

It was a light week in terms of anything spectacularly different, but there are a few things that stand out to me. Pay attention to what you do throughout the week and recognize the fantastic things each day!

1. Taste of Louisville
I signed up for this half marathon 4 days before the race, but what I was more excited about was the kids quarter mile fun run. The kids had a blast and did awesome!
Taste of Louisville Kids Fun Run

2. Sunshine Time
I spent a lot of time outside with the kids this week. We did everything from riding bikes to throwing around the football to playing with water. It is always a great feeling to soak up the sun and be with family.
Running with child on back
Wednesday was National Running Day … I ran 7 miles and then stopped by the coffee shop where I had this conversation:
Me: I ran 7 miles this morning.
Employee: Only 7? Why not 8?
Me: I am a little odd.
Employee: Blank stares

As soon as I told my 9 year old this conversation he about fell off his chair laughing. It is nice to know that someone gets my humor.

3. Writing
I was able to find some time to do some writing which has been great. Ideas and thoughts bouncing around my head are not very productive unless they are put down on paper. That makes them more likely to have some action taken upon them.

4. Bought a new suit
The suit I had was about 10 years old. It was a fine suit, but time for a change and updating. Wow does that feel good! It does make me realize that I don’t want to wear a suit everyday and that a pair of running shoes is all I really need.

Many things made me laugh this week and this would be one of them:
Love you forever

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