Four Fantastic Things – Week Recap No. 2
March 9, 2012 Thoughts on the Run

In continuing with the theme I started last week, here are the 4 Fantastic Things that are highlights for me …

1. Daughter turns 7
My oldest daughter turns 7 which means my hair is turning more gray. It makes me smile reflecting back on all the life events we have shared together and just how many more there are in the future. I do blame her for turning me into a sap when watching Hallmark cards commercials.

2. 9 miles on the treadmill
Once realizing that the treadmill had been set to 5% incline for the past month, running has never been easier. I took this particular run with no fuel to see what would happen. I could really feel it at mile 7. That woozy going to fall off soon and nobody’s around to hear me moment. Ah, whatever, keep going. It’s always easy when watching The Voice.

3. I like having a microphone
For those that know me, this is no surprise. On Saturday though, I was an emcee with a buddy for a fundraising event. For 3 hours, I was able to walk around and talk to a crowd of 300+ about whatever I want. Okay, it was about items for bid at the silent auction and then getting people to bid during the live auction.

4. Motivational images
Throughout the week I’ve been collecting images and photos that have sayings on them that either motivate me to be positive or just make me laugh. Here are a couple of examples:
Life is Short
Loved for Me

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